Our Vision


Our Mission

“To demonstrate reconciliation, solidarity, peace and freedom through the shared experience of choral music, whilst honouring God with trust, joy and gratitude.”

The Stellenbosch Libertas Choir was South Africa’s first permanent adult choir with a totally cross-cultural, cross-racial, cross-social status and ecumenically based membership. It is indeed representative of all our country’s peoples, bound up by a love for music and the gift of singing.


Since 2017, the accompanying ensemble for the Libertas Choir has been the well-known Ramon Alexander Trio, consisting of Ramon Alexander (piano/keyboard), Chadley Gowar (bass guitar) and Annemie Nel (percussion).

The performance of the Libertas Choir with the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra of the oratorio “Elijah” by Mendelssohn (in 2018) was an absolute winner both in terms of the quality of the performance as well as the educational value. They performed to full houses and the response from audience members ranged from absolute admiration and deep appreciation. With comments such as… “Waarom kan ons dan nie meer van hierdie soort opvoerings hê nie. Dit reinig jou siel” … “Sjoe! Ek het gevoel asof ek by die poorte van die hemel gestaan het”.
Ronnie Samaai
On Friday 25 June 1999, I had the good fortune of hearing your choir in concert at Rockefellar University. My husband is currently undergoing treatment for Hodgkin’s Disease across the street from Rockefellar University at Memorial Sloan-Kettering hospital. He has been there for quite some time, and I want you to know how much your gift of music blessed me that day. It was like a breath of fresh air from God… May God be with you in all your travels.
Shanda Stiles, New York
I have had the good fortune to hear your performance at the Folk Festival on the Mall in Washington, D.C., and subsequently at the National Cathedral. Despite the heat, I was in rapture listening to your singing, and had you been there to perform again, I would have made sure I was there at every performance. Thank you so much for your work – it brought tears of joy and put love in my heart … Thank you for your wonderful singing.
Jadwiga Sawa, Washington
“…the strong reconciliatory message emerging from their country can find no better messengers than this choir.”
Reinhold Möbius, General President of the Vlaams-Zuidafrikaanse Cultuurstichting
Hoe sê ‘n mens dankie na so ‘n inspirerende ervaring soos Bethelkerk konsert gister middag, 11 November, 2018. Vir my, was dit absoluut hemels. Julle het ons aan die hand geneem en ons saam hemel toe geneem. Dit is algemeen bekend dat die Libertaskoor se tegniese vaardigheid nie bevraagteken kan word nie. Julle musisering was eerlik en opreg en dit is juis hierdie eienskap wat die gehoor in vervoering het ongeag of julle fortissimo of ppp sing. Die koorklank is so goed afgerond dat mens somtyds voel jy kan aan die sagte klanke raak.
Ronnie Samaai
“…the choir members radiated an immense moral strength that undoubtedly touched and moved all listeners … exquisite cultural ambassadors of South Africa.”
Ward Thielemans, General President of the Vlaams-Zuidafrikaanse Cultuurstichting